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Unexpected Visit 😊

by Sanela K. June 5, 2021

Hello my little Leviticus Fashions community! 😊🌺 What are you doing on this beautiful day ? I have wasted one more beautiful day on doing NOTHING. 🙄 Because yeah, I am kinda stuck here where I am, but maybe that's not soo bad since if I would be able to go anywhere, I would spend some money I don't actually have. 😁 Every adventure has costs 😆

Oh, that makes me think about how those blog travelers are traveling and some of them say they spend only 5 euros per day!?!?!?!??! 😲 I spend 5 euros as soon as I enter the tram to the main square..... 🙄 Who can finance their traveling??? Rich parents? Some sponsor??? Ha??? 5 euros per day?? HA???? 😐 Are they not telling us the truth?????? My brain is exploding right now. 🤯

This topic actually came to me totally unexpected. I was going to write to you about something else, but I see what's gonna take my sleep tonight! 🙄. How do people live without spending money. It must be rubbish!

I wanted to share with you that my mom is coming to visit me in Graz!! 😍😍😍 For the very first time since I live here. 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 My baby thigh boots are gonna meet their grandmother 😍

Oh, I just don't know how to tell to my mom that my boots are the only grandchildren she is ever gonna get! 😆😆😆 I hope we are gonna survive that awkward moment! 🤣 It's not happening every day, you know. 😏

She is gonna stay 2 weeks so, I believe, she will get used to that idea, right? Well, I have time to think about it while drinking my wine on the balcony. 🥂 And probably, it would be very clever to prepare some extra shots for my mother when she hears about her grandchildren. 🤣 Oh, but I am sure we are gonna discuss more about my new "food, eating habits" than about grandchildren. 😂

You know, I am a village girl from Croatia, we don't actually eat ONLY vegetables and fruits. 😂😂😂 I have to orepare myself for hearing how sick and "without blood" I am gonna become. 🙈🙈🙈🙈 Speaking of which, I am totally hooked on grapes 🍇😂 sweet, juicy and SWEET. 😂 Oh, and also they are totally great "accsessories" for photos! I will show you! Cheers my people! 🥂

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