Santa's boots are coming toooooooooo tooooooown (I HOPE)!!!! 🎅
by Sanela K. Dec. 2, 2020
Hello everyone!!
Since I took a job in 24/7 home health care, I wasn't really available to write any blogs, even I had a lot of ideas!
My days are going......... SLOWLY! 🙄
Well, when you have to talk every day about how dark it is outside, even if it's only 4 PM, it cannot be that interesting. But I still had some pretty interesting "events" in my life 😆
Well, first of them is that I've got another package..... no, not LeviTicus Fashions over the knee thigh boots, but "my-ex-was-thinking-of-me" package 😆😆😆 A new one this time!
Well, he was that nice and sent me nice pants he saw online and knew I would like, so he bought that for me. Because of that maybe I will forgive the previous disappointment with sheets 🙈🙈
Don't you dare to ask me why my ex is sending me this stuff because I also have no idea. 🙈 Maybe he loves me?????? 🤔🤔🤔
Anyhow! I am still waiting for my boot babies. They are in Graz, I know that! BUT still not with their mommy 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I feel like it would be easier and faster to move from Austria to USA then to wait for boots to come to my address 😆😆
Well, at least I hope they are gonna spend Christmas with their mommy 🤗🤗🤗🤗 because now when I call the post office hotline nobody knows anything. One person even told me that they may have been returned. Oh drama, drama is my life! But what can a young woman do about this except pray to God for this miracle of my boot delivery to happen in this lifetime!
This year LeviTicus Fashions Team was 100% my Santa Claus! 🎅
The best Santa Claus I could have ever imagined!!! I LOVE THEM! They really made my Christmas happier!
This year I am going to Croatia for Christmas to visit my parents and let's see how Croatian village people are gonna react to my new boots 😜........if they even come here. But I am still hopeful because God is faithful!
I even have that crazy idea to get a costume for "female santa claus" (no idea how is it called, Grandma Claus?????) 😅😅😅
But I am trying not to think that I am broke. Well, I am not. I am more classy than that! I am French classy.... I am broqué!!! 😆😆😆😆😆
Even if I can't buy that costume, I can still imagine it in my classy broqué style! 😆
God bless you all!