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Hope Dies Last 🙂

by Sanela K. March 9, 2021

It is a beautiful sunny day in Graz. I just love these days! 🌞 Those are days when my little famous 🍑 feels warm! Lol! Because, we stars don't like to suffer. 😋 We like to put on a nice outfit and our magnificent Leviticus Fashions boots! 😎 And to be fabulous, of course!

Speaking of Leviticus Fashions boots, I am supposed to get a package in the near future with some new boot babies in it😍 BUT!!!! I realized that my street address on the package was written totally wrong! 🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈 I feel a new upcoming drama my be about to happen! 😢

Knowing that my boot children will travel to me and be in some dark cold places just to be possibly returned to the USA makes me want to cry! 😭 Those boots don't deserve that!!!! I don't deserve that!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭 And YOU don't deserve that!

But I believe that this time The Big Guy (God) is gonna make them go to the right, noble, human caring soul at the postal service who's gonna deliver me my package in the end, after all the drama. There are 2 letters missing in the street name put onto my address label. And every Austrian person would be able to assume which street it is, but not every person would do that small bit of investigation to find out! So, if they fall into the "right hands" I might still get them! Hope dies last! 🤐 And since there is nothing I could do about it, I am just gonna wait.... 😏

Look, maybe The Big Guy wanted to keep my life story going crazy to be able to write to you all about it! 🙈 I don't know. I can only wait.... and complain about it TO YOU!!! Yes, just like last time!!!!! 🙃

Sorry, when you come into my world, you are immediately under my terms and conditions! 😅 Well, maybe that's why I don't have so many friends! I am a twisted, special kind of human being. Deal with it! Like a champion league! Not everyone can handle it! 😜

Lately I am doing a lot of work for my new project! I am supposed to learn many new marketing skills. Basically I have to learn everything! 😆 Just to make my business project run smoothly and so I can get rich. At least there is a great guy on youtube coaching how to grow your business with marketing! And he is helping me a lot! It's kinda..... you have sooooo many little things you have to be careful about and pay attention to the details! And if you miss only one of them, you are done. It won't work. All most people see about marketing are commercials and advertisements, but believe me, THAT'S NOT EVEN 1% OF A GOOD MARKETING STRATEGY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This project needs a lot of work and time and attention to be good! But if everything is gonna be done correctly - there will be a winner. Well, me. I will be the winner! 😅 We will all see in a few months! But I am optimistic!

Oh, I also gave up on that jewelry making idea, just like we all predicted. 😅 Now I want to get myself a sewing machine and learn how to sew!!!!!! Also use the time to make some money with my sewing skills, if needed. And trust me, some extra finances are always needed. 😅

If I don't get my boots, maybe I can sew some new ones out of old socks! 😅😅😅😅😅 Or to make my pants less tight to be able to fit in them! NO. JUST A JOKE. I AM GONNA LOSE WEIGHT to fit into them!!!!!!!!! I promise! I am doing my planking challenge and my exercises daily and I am on a diet!!!! Giving up is not an option!!!!!!

I had some time to shoot some freelancer photos with my toaster phone camera! 📸 I am still looking for a more professional camera to buy, but there is a problem. Who is gonna take pictures of me????? So I am thinking it would be better to buy a phone with a very good camera and a selfie stick so I would be able to do it on my own! That's why the process is taking so long. Because there is no person who could fit into my free time to help me with photo shootings. I hope I am gonna make the right decision for a decent new camera!

But in the meantime, I hope you like my photos from today! 😊 And I'll keep you updated on my life in a day or two!!!! Just like I always do! 😎

To support The Justice Project and the fight against human trafficking go to :

To purchase Leviticus Fashions boot designs go to :

To view videos of my Adventures in Thigh Boots on Leviticus Fashions YouTube channel go to :



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