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Handsome Potential Boss 😂

by Sanela K. June 2, 2021

I think this title speaks for itself! 😜

Yes, I had one more job inteview today, like I said before. It was really short. Like every nice candidate for the position, I came 20 minutes early to impress the owner.... but guess what? He wasn't there. Apparently he didn't want to impresse me 😜 BUT HE DID.

At least with his looks. 😂😂😂

I was expecting some old arrogant guy, asking me how their freaking company got my attention (just like it was the case in an interview once before). Well man, I need a job, you are offering a job - that's how your company got my attention. 🙄 I am wondering if people really believe you when you say that you are interested to work with them because their company is THE BEST COMPANY EVER, YOU WOULD GIVE YOUR BLOOD AND SWEAT, SELL YOUR MOTHER JUST TO WORK FOR THEM BLA BLA BLA??????? 😲

Anyhow, this guy came in and I noticed he is not wearing the mask! 😍

So I asked if it's okay if I took mine off (to make him see my pretty face after I saw how handsome he was 🤣). He said of course and that's how the interview started.

He was uncomplicated. He needs assistant for that and that and I am a candidate to be that assistant bla bla bla. 😎 Just like I prefer. But the guy was really pretty. 🤗

I can remember (call me crazy, because I mostly am) how I thought: "oh, this guy is totally stressed, he didn't even notice that I am pretty. Maybe I should have put on my boots." 😂 It was really professional conversation and the time went really fast, But I still had time to think how pretty he was. Imagine working for him and staying "focused". I would... but focused on what? 😂😂😂😂 Just a joke, just a joke. Even though he is handsome, if I would have a possibility to choose the job I liked best, I would choose the place I interviewed with yesterday. Because it seemed a natural fit for me. And they also have a "short Friday" for the same salary. Which this handsome guy doesn't have. Well, I will definitely choose more free time for myself over a guy any day. 😂😂

I am pretty curious what's gonna happen next week when they let me know what did they decide. 😁 If I really have to work with such a handsome guy... well, there is nothing that I can do about it. I will have to "suffer". 😂

I also have to "bombard" you with the photos from my last shooting. 🙈 I love them. 🙈🙈🙈 So, I guess, you all will also have to "suffer". 😜

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