Crazy 27
by Sanela K. May 8, 2021
Who is the little star of today????? Whooo???? 😜
Well, I am kinda little star of every day of my life and just for the record - I also should be the little star of your day today😜
Oh, aren't all famous people so full of ourselves????
No worries! I am a pretty modest person! I don't expect you to "over love" me.
Just kidding. I'll be fine if you just read this simple blog post. 😎
Today is my 27th birthday!!!!!!!!!!! And I still have no clue about anything! Except about boots. 😜😜😜
Oh, I have to admit that I have never had a better birthday!!!! 😊😊😊😊
I am so happy how it my whole day went!!!
I woke up very early!!!! At 5 AM!!! And ate my birthday cake! 🎂
It was great!!! Me in my pajamas cutting the cake. I even have a photo of that! 😂
The day started early because someone took me on a birthday picnic! 😍
I will let you think about who was that special person 😜
I know, you are asking yourself if I found my Mr.Perfect. 😊 Well, keep asking. 😎😂
I drove to the another city, 1,5 hour away to visit a beautiful national park 😍
Oh, the road was full of great views and beautiful nature!!!!! I totally fell in love with the landscape!!! I have never been to this park area before. It was so beautiful and peaceful!!! Really a vacation for my soul. Because, you know, when you are already 27, so old like me, you cannot drink anymore to celebrate your birthday with wine and music and suffer a hangover the next day. You need peace!!!! BECAUSE YOU ARE OLD.
Well, getting old isn't that scary after all. I was the total queen of the day!!!! 👑
There was also a grill and some chicken wings in the game. 😎🍗
Well, of course, no occasion is good without good food. 🍗🥓🍔🍟🍕🌭🍖🥩🍲🥞
And guess what!!?! I also took 2 pairs of boots with me and used this opportunity to make a short photo shoot in nature! Oh, I was in such a good mood. I think my boots also noticed it.
I made over 100 photos. some of them are totally hilarious. 😆😆😆 just like me. But I have decided to show you only the good ones this time. 😎
I was walking a lot. And I was also sleepy a lot. 😆 since I woke up at 5 AM after I didn't even sleep well at night. On the way back I was fighting to keep my eyes open. Oh, it was so hard.
So when I entered my apartment I just left everything lying everywhere, jumped into my pajamas and then jumped into my bed. 😆I had to. I had a really good nap. But I had such a headache when I woke up. If I would have been drinking, I would understand that headache, but apparently when you are an old maid like me, you don't even need to drink any wine to get a hangover or a headache. 😆They just come naturally.
Anyhow, this didn't ruin my day. Also the business company who sent me an e-mail that I didn't get the job I wanted didn't manage to ruin my happiness while I am getting old. You know how people say: oldie but goldie. 👵🎂 That's me now!

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To purchase Leviticus Fashions boot designs go to :
To view more videos of my Adventures in Thigh Boots on Leviticus Fashions YouTube channel go to :