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Boot's Whisper 👢💭

by Sanela K. Jan 17, 2021

"I hear you call my name and it feels like home..."

(Probably no need to write "Madonna").

My boot babies and I had such a busy day, but we are all happy and bringing good news to you all. 😊

We stood up today and decided to make this journey (read: apartment-hunt) less stressful and more fun!

Well, it's maybe kinda true that what you spread you also attract!

We were spreading bad vibes for the last few days, and we also got bad vibes back in the form of an apartment with the bathroom inside the kitchen. 😂

Today we stood up, put on some casual clothes (because boots are getting all of the attention, I could have also walked without any clothes, nobody would notice it, but it was too cold to do that😂), put on some light make-up, and with total confidence went to see two more apartments.

On the way we were taking selfie pictures to make all of the demons go away (garlic of this modern era). Well, my boots knew I needed something to keep me busy so I wouldn't get any panic attacks, so they had decided to be especially pretty today. Ah, who's gonna watch you when you get old if not your own kids?? 😍

Soooo heart warming to watch them growing up right in front of my eyes! ☺☺☺☺

At least they don't have to change my diaper.........yet! 😂

Ah the fond memories of when I had to do such things when I used to work as a nurse with immobile people 😆💩🧙‍♀️

We had about half hour drive in a tram, but it was totally worth of it! We found our (WE HOPE) new home 😍🏡

It was actually one apartment that I didn't even take seriously, I went there only because I am nice and didn't want to cancel. And also because I was like: "I have to see as much as I can so I can make a final decision where to live. "

When we entered, the first thing I had to do was to take off my boots 🙄. I knew this was coming but my boots are always disappointed when it happens. It's not polite to enter an apartment in shoes. Even if you wear THE BEST OVER THE KNEE THIGH HIGH BOOTS IN THE WORLD! - it's still inappropriate! Well, sometimes there should be exceptions. We would be very thankful for it!

First question of the girl in this apartment was: "oh, are you also going somewhere else afterwards or you are just always dressed like that?!?" 🤔

"I AM ALWAYS LIKE THIS"! - I said proudly! 😎 Where I am, there are my boots too! 😄

She laughed and said she is more of a fan of standard comfortable shoes (my boots are not comfortable???????? ).

Well, not a surprise for Austrian people. They like to wear any old thing. 😂

Just a joke. The girl was really nice.

Anyhow, I said, I got them specially from America and she asked me how was I that bold to order such overknees thigh boots without trying them first. Well, I gave my measurements 😎 and I didn't order them - they ordered ME! 😍

And came all the way here to their mamma!!! 😍

Then we started a short tour to view her apartment.

You wouldn't believe THIS: THE BATHROOM IS NOT IN THE KITCHEN!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😆😆😆😆😆



That was already a very good beginning! 😂


I thought in one moment that maybe I still didn't wake up this morning and I am possibly dreaming. (Speaking of which - next blog is gonna be about my dream from last night!).

Even the kitchen wasn't 100 years old..... 🙄 I really got worried that I truly am still sleeping.


Then I really thought I was dreaming! The bedroom is beautiful, huge, and soooo comfortable 😍

The girl noticed my excitement!

And that's not even all! She told me that she wants to leave all of the furniture in the apartment (ALL OF THE FURNITURE!!!!). That was the moment when I asked how much is it gonna cost and was preparing myself for the slap of reality and maybe to black-out when she says some extremely high number my bank account cannot handle. But she said - 600 euros. 😲😲😲😲😲

Well, in that moment I really had to convince myself I am not dreaming! It was real. Only 600 euros! For so much good furniture!!!!!! 🙈🙈

My boots were crying of happiness when they heard this good news. I heard their whisper across the apartment: "take it mommy, take it mommy. Look behind you, there is a huge wardrobe we can live in!"

Well, how to say "no" to your boot kids??? 😄😄

Also mommy could sleep in that wardrobe with how huge it is, but mommy loves a bed. 😂

Well, the mommy asked for an appointment with the landlord because the girl, who is the current tenant, believes it won't be a problem for him if I move into the apartment in March and not in February. Well, as long as the Big Guy, God, is on my side, the landlord is also gonna be. 😊

After that I had to visit one more apartment - of course, I didn't really want it, but it would be so rude if I canceled in the last minute. (Especially because once I already cancelled to visit this second one 😂).

Oh, that second apartment was so tragic 😂😂😂😂

Dirty walls, dirty kitchen, dirty windows. 4th floor, no elevator. No balcony to kill yourself by jumping off of when you get so depressed because of living in that apartment.

It was totally empty, no furniture at all. I was imagining myself carrying a sofa or bed to that 4th floor. 😂😂😂😂 hahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahah 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 hilarious! The apartment wasn't even worth visiting 🙈

The girl who lived in that dirty hole said she has lived there 3 years and now she has moved into her boyfriend's place and she cannot understand why nobody has wanted her apartment 🙈🙈🙈🙈

I had no heart to tell her that I know the reason. 🙊🙊

I was nice and said I am gonna let her know my decision shortly. It's kinda like when men or women say to their partner they wanna break up with - "let me think, give me space, we are gonna talk afterwards." 😂

Anyhow, she was really nice. I hope she is gonna find someone for her apartment. (Like: you are too nice, I don't deserve you. You are gonna find better man/woman.).

Only in my case, I really mean it! 😂

Well, this night I am gonna sleep a lot better. I found a nice place for me and my boot children to live. 😊😊😊

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