Hello Kathryn

So we were introduced to Ashley a couple weeks ago and now we get to meet one of her cosplay group members, Kathryn! They started a group called AKA and Ashley sent me this little background about it: "AKA cosplay and art, is a Lake Charles, Louisiana based group comprised of four individuals who have an artistic passion. The founding members are Ashley, Kathryn, and Alexandra (AKA!). Along with Jeremy, the group sets out to create memorable cosplays and unique artworks of types! Our main love is cosplay! Cosplay to us is a means of expression. We can express our love, our passion, and just be ourselves! Cosplay also acts like a bond. It strengthens our friendship and our relationships with teamwork, creativity, and experiences like no other! And we don't just stop there! We are head over heels in love with pyrography (wood burning), print making, photography, digital artwork, painting, writing, and so much more! You can find our works at www.facebook.com/AKAcosplayandart."
Now that explains a bit about their group and here are some words from Kathryn herself as she describes her first experience trying out my designs:))) :
"I had the luck to find out about Leviticus Fashions through a friend who bought a pair and called me the moment they came in screaming (Ashley). She loved them. I didn't believe at first they'd be as comfortable and smell as good as she said, so I rushed over to try them for myself and melted. A few months later, I got to wear a flat pair I got for my cosplay as Jessie from Pokemon! The day of the con, I made the mistake of spending two hours in a cheap pair of thigh high heels that I found online for another cosplay [Emma Frost]. They allowed for little movement and my feet were pounding in an hour. Despite how much I enjoyed the costume, I chose to change into my secondary [Jessie] sooner than planned. The walk back to the car was miserable. I almost asked my friend to carry me! When I slipped on my flat thigh highs from Leviticus Fashions, I was so relieved.
The boots are made of an extremely soft leather that looked far more professional than my cheap pair. Not to mention, they were fitted to my size and stayed in place. I spent the rest of my day in them, hardly noticing they were there and feeling gorgeous the whole time. I received many compliments on the outfit and a girl stopped me with a little gasp, asking if I would tell her where I got them. We gushed about the fact that they fit so well and she liked that they weren't too shiny like pairs she had bought in the past. I've started wearing my LeviTicus platform pair outside of costuming and I love them!"