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"Boots" and Pieces 1

Hi Guys!!!! Sorry I haven’t written in a while, been so busy with work and just life in general. It can all get a little crazy and confusing at times. Perseverance is key in all this. I just happened to have the pleasure of forming a new friend. Her name is Kimmy, she’s a senior in high school living in Massachusetts and she also just happens to love thigh boots! I really love her enthusiasm and interest in my work, every little bit of encouragement means the world to me! I can tell that she has a passion for high fashion. This is one of the reasons that I started this whole idea in the first place: to meet people from all over who share the same interests as I do.

More exciting news! WE HAVE NEW COLORS. I am beyond excited for my COMING SOON Toffee Caramel boots which will be available in the flat riding boot style as well as high heeled. I have been rocking these quite often lately as they seem to match so well with all of my recent Spring/Summer looks. Still working around in the “lab” (lol) for a few other color ideas! Feel free to comment below if you have a color that you would like to see us produce!!! I should be back to posting blogs regularly, stay tuned!! BUT I have been spending quite a bit of time behind the scenes doing photo shoots that I will be showing you guys soon (see above photo!)! That’s something productive, right?

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