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Pub Regulars

As you all know, we experienced a pretty severe snowstorm this winter. Cars stuck on the I-95, airports shut down entirely, and my crew and I happened to get stuck in what I thought was the most boring place in the world, Ottawa, Canada. I couldn’t have been more wrong.

Ottawa can be easily described in three ways: fun, crazy expensive, and filled with culture. My hot chocolate was 6 freaking bucks, it was so worth it though! My crew and I ended up stranded in Ottawa for FIVE DAYS. We had SO much fun! There was a pub directly behind the hotel we were staying in. Can you guess where we were every night? One particular night I decided I would wear my boots to compliment my very casual knitted sweater, dark wash jeans, and, of course, a beanie. It was a hit to say the least! Our female bartender couldn’t stop gushing over them. Unfortunately, she ended up disappearing before I could hand her one of my cards. I wasn’t that concerned. I go to Ottawa quite often, no doubt I’ll see her again!

I was definitely wary at first when a bunch of guys walked up to the bar to talk to me. I regretted it immediately. They were so kind, complimenting on the quality of my boots. They were quite fascinated with the material, wondering how it could be such good quality yet so matte. One of the older gentleman nodded in approval and said “Good for you, missy. We need more youngsters bringing art into this world! Your boots are awesome.” They then raised their glasses in unison as they toasted to football, aircrews that drink together, and creativity. We all clanked glasses together as we watched the football game. Nothing could erase the smile from my face. My entire night had been made.

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