Still Got A "Spring" In My Step
Spring is in the air! Such a cliché line, I know, but that’s pretty much the best way to describe it. The flowers are finally beginning...

The Reason Nothing Happens - Is Because Nothing is Happening!
I am angry with myself. I let things affect me so severely that I can’t seem to shake them. I let them take over to the point where I...

New York Minute!
As some of you already know, I frequently fly the friendly skies as a flight attendant (Insert airplane emoji here). Remind me to ask...

I don’t know how many of you have suffered as I have, but getting your license switched over to a new state is a pain in the butt! I am...

Pub Regulars
As you all know, we experienced a pretty severe snowstorm this winter. Cars stuck on the I-95, airports shut down entirely, and my crew...

Pleasant Surprises
I’m always quite surprised that, coincidentally, I seem to get female Uber drivers. Two of these particular ladies were quite taken with...

I screwed up. We all screw up though, every now and then. Error is human, right? It is, and God has unwavering grace that allows us all...

Success in Atlanta
While on my many adventures “flightattendant-ing,” (yes I just made up that word) one of my favorite places to overnight is Atlanta,...

TWO HUNDRED likes in TWO days!!!
Here I sit, blogging in disbelief staring at my laptop screen in my LeviTicus boots that started it all. TWO. HUNDRED. LIKES. I was...

LeviTicus First Photoshoot Part 2
For this particular part of the shoot, I was going for a college student feel so that I might show the versatility of my LeviTicus boots....