Hidden Oasis
Felicita didn’t seem real to me at first, as if it had just appeared before my very eyes from complete nothingness. Suddenly I was...

Inconvenient Alarms
In my current career especially, I have noticed that fire alarms tend to go off at moments of the most inconvenience. These include, but...

Testing...Testing...One, Two...
For my job as a flight attendant, I need to have annual Recurrent tests and training. This keeps us updated on the rules, regulations,...

"Boots" and Pieces 2
In addition to new colors, I have a ton of designs and sketches that I’ve been working on for the past few months. There is discussion of...

"Boots" and Pieces 1
Hi Guys!!!! Sorry I haven’t written in a while, been so busy with work and just life in general. It can all get a little crazy and...

Do Hard Things
I’m just going to cut to the chase, I really hate running. It has always been the absolute worst thing for me to do EVER. If anyone...

Keep Calm and Carry On
Monday was the absolute WORST day for me, and I’ve seen a lot of bad days lately. First, due to the severe thunderstorms and mass...

JESUS > religion
So many people in our culture skew the true meaning of what it is to be a Christian. Being a Christian is a lifestyle, not a religion....

Life At 360 Degrees - Part 2
The date had been set, we would be shooting one pano for Crowne Plaza of Harrisburg! At this point I was BEYOND nervous. What if I drop...

Life At 360 Degrees
On top of all the other five million and one things I am currently pursuing for LeviTicus, I have recently added interactive panoramic...